Perbedaan Kreatif, Inventif dan Inovatif | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 4:14 4 years ago 25 600 Далее Скачать
Cara Menemukan Ide Kreatif | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 4:21 4 years ago 21 541 Далее Скачать
Kreatif vs Inventif vs Inovatif: Di Balik Gagalnya LG Mobile Dr. Indrawan Nugroho 14:49 2 years ago 178 771 Далее Скачать
3 Langkah Praktis Melatih Otak Kreatif | CIAS Quickfix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 4:28 4 years ago 130 778 Далее Скачать
Beda Design Thinking, Critical Thinking &Creative Thinking | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 5:21 4 years ago 49 075 Далее Скачать
Apa itu Design Thinking? Dan Kenapa Sangat Populer? | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 4:06 4 years ago 93 113 Далее Скачать
Kreativitas, Penemuan, dan Inovasi: bedanya apa? Dr. Indrawan Nugroho 6:23 4 years ago 36 448 Далее Скачать
Asal Usul dan Perkembangan Design Thinking | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 3:56 3 years ago 16 747 Далее Скачать
Design Thinking vs Lean StartUp | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 4:55 3 years ago 7 926 Далее Скачать
Keuntungan Menggunakan Design Thinking | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 5:35 4 years ago 11 584 Далее Скачать
Cara Berpikir Out of The Box | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 5:03 4 years ago 50 228 Далее Скачать
Kenapa Harus Pakai Design Thinking untuk Inovasi? | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 3:58 4 years ago 11 669 Далее Скачать
Design Thinking vs Kaizen | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 4:20 3 years ago 10 487 Далее Скачать
Contoh Aplikasi Design Thinking di Industri Perbankan | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 5:54 3 years ago 10 230 Далее Скачать
Contoh Aplikasi Design Thinking di Industri Otomotif | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 5:17 3 years ago 2 377 Далее Скачать
Menggunakan Design Thinking & Agile Development dalam Inovasi| CIAS QuickFix w/ Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 4:23 3 years ago 9 484 Далее Скачать
Ciri Utama Inovator | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 4:31 4 years ago 2 762 Далее Скачать
Cara Memimpin Tim Menjalankan Design Thinking | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 5:35 3 years ago 10 736 Далее Скачать
5 Area Penggunaan Design Thinking | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 4:34 4 years ago 10 174 Далее Скачать
Contoh Aplikasi Design Thinking di Industri Teknologi | CIAS QuickFix with Dr. Indrawan Nugroho Corporate Innovation by CIAS 5:27 3 years ago 3 853 Далее Скачать